31 Dec 2017

2017 - summary; 2018 - expectations

2017 is coming to be closed and 2018 to be opened. It's time to summarise 2017 in the field of European radio (not only digital), positive is marked as green, neutral normally, and negative as red. There will be also expectations in 2018.

30 Dec 2017

Radio Overview in Europe (Ep. 1): Norway

This is new series Radio Overview in Europe. The series which will be discussed about given country. Will be described radio stations, how to receive these stations etc. Now let's go to the point.
Now of course, will be Norway.

New Year wishes for 2018

I wish you that 2018 will bring great progresses in digital radio regulaions for Europe and the European countries (mainly for the European Unions) but also work on National Strategy in the field of digitisation of terrestrial radio, and DAB+ opposition of broadcaster (either public and private), government and regulators will eventually be broken.
I wish them:

13 Dec 2017

Digital Radio Switch-Over in Norway in numbers

On 13 December 2017 at 11:11:11 during polar night in counties Finnmark and Troms as well as in Svalbard analogue FM radio switch-off (AFMRSO) process was completed for nationwide and some local radio stations. Most local radio stations will continue broadcasting on FM until 2022. However, NRK P1 continues analogue broadcasting but on AM band on long wave on 153 kHz/1959 m from Ingoey, Finnmark as necessary for fishermen working in the Barents Sea and on medium wave on 1485 kHz/202 m from Longyearbyen, Svalbard. It's time for "in numbers".