Facts about Switzerland
- The official long name of the state is the Swiss Confederation (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft {German}, Confédération suisse {French}, Confederazione Svizzera {Italian} and Confederaziun svizra {Romansh}).
- The official short name of the state is Switzerland (Schweiz {German}, Suisse {French}, Svizzera {Italian} and Svizra {Romansh}).
- Switzerland is bordered by 5 countries such as: France (525 km / 326 miles), Germany (348 km / 216 miles), Austria (158 km / 98 miles), Liechtenstein (41 km / 25 miles) and Italy (698 km / 434 miles). The length of the land border is 1,770 km / 1,100 miles. It's landlocked state.
- The total area of the state is 41,277 square km / 15,937 square miles, of which the land area is 39,997 square km / 15,443 square miles and water area is 1,280 square km / 494 square miles.
- Extreme elevations. The lowest point is Lake Maggiore at 191 m / 209 yd. The highest point is Dufourspitze at 4,634 m / 5,068 yd.
- The population of the country is 8,236,303 (July 2017 est.).
- The official languages are German, French, Italian and Romansh.
- Capital of this state is de facto Bern (Berne {French}, Berna {Italian, Romansh}) as de facto. The largest city is Zurich (Zürich {German}, Zurigo {Italian}, Turitg {Romansh}, Züri {locally}).
- Constitution of Switzerland was adopted in current format in 1999 which replaced previous Constitution from 1848.
- Switzerland joined United Nations in 2002 following approved by citizens in referendum.
- The first-level administrative division in Switzerland is canton (singular: Kanton {German}, canton {French}, cantone {Italian}, chantun {Romansh}; plural: Kantone {German}, cantons {French}, cantoni {Italian}, chantuns {Romansh}) and contain 26 cantons.
- Government type is direct federal republic (formally a confederation).
- The head of state and government is President Alain Berset (SP/PS, for 2018 term) from Federal Council (Bundesrat {German}, Conseil fédéral {French}, Consiglio federale {Italian}, Cussegl federal {Romansh}) which is comprised of 7 federal councillors and is elected indirectly by Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung {German}, Assemblée fédérale {French}, Assemblea federale {Italian} and Assamblea federala{Romansh}) for 1 year non-consecutive by rotation presidency.
- Parliament is bicameral and named as Federal Assembly (local names above). Lower house is named as National Council (Nationalrat {German}, Conseil national {French}, Consiglio nazionale {Italian}, Cussegl naziunal {Romansh}) with 200 members, which 194 members are elected by open-list party proportional representation in 21 multi-member constituencies by using Hagenbach-Bischoff system and 6 by plurality in single-member constituencies. Upper house is named as Council of States (Ständerat {German}, Conseil des États {French}, Consiglio degli Stati {Italian}, Cussegl dals Stadis {Romansh}) with 46 members which 6 members are elected by plurality in single-member constituencies, 36 members also by plurality but in multi-member constituencies and 4 members by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Both houses are to serve 4-year term.
- Parliamentary election recently held on 18 October 2015 and in the parliament there are parties such as Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland (Christlichdemokratische VolksPartei/Parti Démocrate-Chrétien/Partito Popolare Democratico/Partida Cristiandemocratica), FDP.The Liberals [Free Democratic Party] (FDP.Die Liberalen/PLR.Les Libéraux-Radicaux/PLR.I Liberali/PLD.Ils Liberals [Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei/Parti Radical-Démocratique/Partito Liberale Radicale/Partida Liberaldemocrata Svizra]), Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz/Parti Socialiste Suisse/Partito Socialista Svizzero/Partida Socialdemocrata de la Svizra), Swiss People's Party (Schweizerische VolksPartei/Union Démocratique du Centre/Unione Democratica di Centro/Partida Populara Svizra), Green Party of Switzerland (Grüne Partei der Schweiz/Les Verts – Parti Écologiste Suisse/I Verdi – Partito Ecologista Svizzero/La Verda – Partida Ecologica Svizra), Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland (Bürgerlich-Demokratische Partei Schweiz/Parti Bourgeois Démocratique Suisse/Partito Borghese Democratico Svizzero/Partida Burgais Democratica Svizra), Green Liberal Party of Switzerland (GrünLiberale Partei/Parti Vert'Libéral/Partito Verde-Liberale/Partida Verda-Liberala), Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland (Evangelische VolksPartei der Schweiz/Parti Évangelique Suisse/Partito Evangelico Svizzero/Partida Evangelica da la Svizra), Ticino League (Lega di Ticinesi), Geneva Citizen's Movement (Mouvement Citoyens Genevois), Swiss Party of Labour (Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz/Parti Suisse du Travail - Parti Ouvrier et Populaire/Partito Svizzero del Lavoro - Partito Operaio e Popolare/Partida Svizra da la Lavur) and Christian Social Party Obwalden (ChristlichSoziale Partei Obwalden).
- Switzerland is derived from the canton of Schwyz, one of the founding of the Old Swiss Confederacy that formed in the 14th century.
- Switzerland was founded on 1 August 1291 with signing of Federal Charter of 1291 as alliance of 3 cantons. Then secured independence in 1499 from the Holy Roman Empire.
- National holiday is on 1 August which commemorate mentioned event above.
- National anthem is Swiss Psalm (Schwizerpsalm {German}, Cantique suisse {French}, Salmo svizzero {Italian} and Psalm Svizzer {Romansh}).
- The number of mobile phones in Switzerland is 11,283,400 giving 138%.
- Radio in Switzerland was introduced in 1922. In early 1930s have been formed SRG SSR.
- Analogue radio in Switzerland will be switched-off in the years 2020-2024.
- Television in Switzerland was introduced in 1953 in German-speaking region. Followed in 1954 in French-speaking region, then in 1961 in Italian-speaking region. First Romansh-language program was broadcasted on 18 February 1963.
- Colour television was introduced in 1968.
- Analogue terrestrial television was switched-off in 2008.
- Internet domain is .ch.
- Switzerland has 5,651.5 km / 3,512 miles of railways.
- Switzerland has 71,464 km / 44,406 miles of roadways, including 1,415 km / 879 miles of expressways. All of these are paved.
- Switzerland has right-handed traffic.
- Calling code is + 41.
- The time zone is Central European Time (UTC + 01:00 with DST + 1 hour).
- The currency of Switzerland is franc (Franken {German}, franco {Italian}).
- The most popular summer sport disciplines are association football (or soccer) and tennis (due to Roger Federer successes). By contrast, the most popular winter sport disciplines are ski jumping (due to Simon Ammann successes), cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, snowboard and ice hockey.
- Switzerland hosted 1954 FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro 2008 (as co-host along with Austria).
- Switzerland twice hosted Winter Olympics. It was held in 1928 and in 1948 both in St. Moritz.
Flag and coat of arms
Coat of arms
List of public radio stations per language with descriptions
German language (SRF)
Radio SRF 1
Radio SRF 1 (formerly DRS1) is a general German-speaking radio station for music, entertainment, social issues, news and more. Has 7 regional offices (AG SO [Aargau Solothurn], BS BL [Basel Baselland], BE FR VS [Bern Freiburg Wallis], GR [Graubünden], SG [Ostschweiz], LU [Zentralschweiz], ZH SH [Zuerich Schaffhausen]) branded mainly as Regionaljornal produce opt-out programming in 3 parts: morning (from Monday to Friday at 6:32, 7:32 and 8:32; except GR), midday (from Monday to Friday at 12:02; except GR), afternoon (every day at 17:30). Began broadcasting on 11 June 1931 (Thursday). It's broadcast nationwide on analogue FM radio on 87.6-107.7 MHz range and on DAB+. Formerly broadcasted on AM on 531 kHz (medium wave). During the Nazi rule in Germany and World War II which Switzerland in those days was neutral, it was a tool of anti-Nazi propaganda.
Radio SRF 2 Kultur
Radio SRF 2 Kultur (formerly DRS2) is a cultural German-language radio station. Programming which take an in-depth looks at currents arts-related, social and scientific issues, against a backdrop of classical music and jazz from all ears. Began broadcasting in 1956. It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 87.9-104.9 MHz range and on digital DAB+ in German-speaking regions.
Radio SRF 3
Radio SRF 3 (formerly DRS3) is German-language radio station aimed mainly to youth. Programming contain pop and rock music including live concerts, as well as the latest news, new trends, comedy and sports broadcasting. Began broadcasting on 1 November 1983 (Tuesday) as response to private local radio stations. It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 88.8-107.7 MHz range and nationwide on digital DAB+.
Radio SRF 4 News
Radio SRF 4 News (formerly DRS4 News) is an all-news German-language radio station. Broadcast up to date news, current affairs, reports on politics and business, science and the arts, society and sport. Began broadcasting on 5 November 2007 (Monday). It's broadcast nationally on DAB+, cable, satellite and worldwide online.Radio SRF Virus
Radio SRF Virus (formerly DRS Virus.ch or just Virus) is an alternative music radio station. Programming contain young pop culture, urban lifestyle and fresh Swiss music. Began broadcasting on 20 November 1999 (Saturday). It's broadcast on DAB+ in German- and French-speaking regions but also nationwide and worldwide on on the Internet.
Radio SRF Musikwelle
Radio SRF Musikwelle (formerly DRS Musikwelle; from German: Music wave) is a music and schlager radio station. Broadcasts popular Swiss culture, folk music, "Schlager" and dance music with traditional tunes, additionally relays from Radio SRF 1 mainly for news. Began broadcasting on 1 October 1996 (Tuesday). It's broadcast nationally on DAB+. Formerly broadcasted on 531 kHz AM frequency.
French language (RTS)
RTS La Première
RTS La Première (or just La 1ère; from French: The 1st) is a general French-speaking radio station. Programming contain news around Switzerland and abroad as well as music, enteratinment, society and many affairs. Began broadcasting on 30 September 1922 (Saturday). It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 87.8-107.3 MHz range and nationwide on DAB+.
RTS Espace 2
RTS Espace 2 (or just Espace 2; from French: Space 2) is a cultural French-speaking radio station. Programming contain classical, jazz and world music with live and recorded concerts. Began broadcasting on 30 September 1956 (Sunday). It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 87.6-106.9 MHz range and on DAB+ in French-speaking regions.
RTS Couleur 3
RTS Couleur 3 (or just Couleur 3; from French: Colour 3) is French-speaking radio station aimed mainly to youth. Programming contain mainly pop and rock music along with live concerts. Began broadcasting in 1982. It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 87.7-107.7 MHz range and on DAB+ in French-, Italian- and German-speaking regions.
RTS Option Musique
RTS Option Musique (or just Option Musique; from French: Music Option) is music and variety French-speaking radio station. Programming contain mainly French-language and young Swiss music, additionally travel services as well as news bulletins and weather. Began broadcasting in 1994. It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 90.8-106.5 MHz range and on DAB+ in French-, Italian- and German-speaking regions. Formerly broadcasted on 765 kHz AM radio.
Italian language (RSI)
RSI Rete Uno
RSI Rete Uno (from Italian: Network One) is a general Italian-language radio station. Programming contain music, entertainment and the latest news from Ticino, Switzerland and abroad with reports. Began broadcasting on 29 October 1933 (Sunday). It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 88.0-107.8 MHz range and nationwide on DAB+.
RSI Rete Due
RSI Rete Due (from Italian: Network Two) is a cultural Italian-language radio station. Programming contain reports about arts, history, science and society, additionally broadcasts jazz, classical and world music. Began broadcasting in 1985. It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 90.0-103.0 MHz range and on DAB+ in Italian-speaking region and in Grisons.
RSI Rete Tre
RSI Rete Tre (from Italian: Network Three) is Italian-language radio station aimed mainly to youth. Programming contain pop and rock music along with concerts. Began broadcasting on 1 January 1988 (Friday). It's broadcast on analogue FM radio on 92.5-107.5 MHz range and in Italian-, French- and German-speaking regions.
Romansh language (RTR)
Radio Rumantsch
Radio Rumantsch is only public Romansh-speaking radio station. First programme was broadcasted on 17 January 1925 (Saturday), regular Romansh language programming began in 1943 and has own radio station in 1954. Programming contain news from Grisons, Switzerland and around the world, music from all genres mainly Grisons music. It's broadcast in Switzerland on analogue FM radio on 87.6-104.6 MHz range and nationally on DAB+, but is also broadcast in South Tirol on analogue FM radio on 88.8-107.6 MHz range which is phased out in favor for DAB+ as part of RAS.
Swiss Satellite Radio
Radio Swiss Pop
Radio Swiss Pop is a pop music radio station that broadcasts 24/7 with hits and highlights from past 40 years of that music, more than 50% Swiss music, no presenters, no ads. Began broadcasting in 1998. Replaced phone broadcasting (Telefonrundspruch) radio station Light.
Radio Swiss Classic
Radio Swiss Classic is a classical music radio station that broadcast 24/7 with over 50% of Swiss classic music without ads. Began broadcasting in 1998. Replaced phone broadcasting radio station Classic.
Radio Swiss Jazz
Radio Swiss Jazz is a jazz music radio station that broadcast 24/7 with jazz, blues, soul, swing and original bebop - both international and Swiss, of course without presenters and ads. Began broadcasting on 1 September 1998 (Tuesday). Replaced phone broadcasting radio station International.
World Radio Switzerland
World Radio Switzerland is only English language radio station aimed mainly for foreigners and tourists. It's currently owned by private Anglo Media SA. Began broadcasting on 25 June 1996 (Tuesday) as World Radio Geneva and was renamed on 5 November 2007 (Monday). Formerly broadcasted on FM radio on 101.7 MHz in Lake Geneva.
List of analogue and digital radio frequencies
For more information about analogue FM radio frequencies please refer to the link (coming soon) here because would be too long on this post (for interested). Stations from Liechtenstein is on the next episode.
There is small section in this post how to receive in Chur, Lugano, Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva respectively for FM, AM (both LW and MW) and DAB [below for more information about ensembles]. Unlike to previous episode about Norway, AM radio there will be on list (over 40 dB). In which cities can receive radio station on this modulation. Pirate radio stations are skipped.
AM - Long/Medium Wave
On FM radio would be listed. For stations from other states than Switzerland, name of country in bracket.
Chur (by 13 January 2018)
German-speaking (German Switzerland):
1st layer (SRG SSR D01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12C/227.360 MHz
Concessioner/Operator: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: Radio SRF 1 (AG SO, BE FE VS, BS, GR, LU, SG, ZH SH), Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio SRF Virus, Radio Swiss Pop, RTS La 1ere, RSI Rete Uno, RTR Radio Rumantsch
2nd layer (SMC D02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 7D/194.064 MHz
Concessioner/Operator: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: Radio TOP, Radio Maria, Luna Radio, Radio Central, Radio FM1, Radio Inside, Radio Argovia, Energy [Basel, Bern, Zurich], Radio 24, ERF Plus, Life Channel, Radio Eviva, Radio Zuerisee, Radio TOP TWO, Radio Pilatus, RSI Rete Tre
3rd layer (SMC D03)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 7A/188.928 MHz (N-CH; Northern Switzerland), 8B (BE-FR; Bern - Fribourg), 9B/204.640 MHz (O-CH; Western Switzerland, 11C/220.352 MHz (VS; Upper Valais)
Consessioner/Operator: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: Classix Radio (except VS), Planet 105 (N-CH only), Radio Maria (VS only), Radio Melody (O-CH only) Radio Gloria (all 4 ensemble variations), Sunshine Radio (except VS), RadioFR. Freiburg (BE-FR only) Radio del Mar (except VS), rro swiss melody (VS only), Radio Central (VS only), rro muesig pur (VS only), diis Radio (VS only), RTS Couleur 3 (all 4 ensemble variations), Vintage Radio (except VS), RTS Option Musique (all 4 ensemble variations), Rockit Radio (except VS), Radio 1 (N-CH only), Virgin Radio Hits (except VS), Radio BERN1 (BE-FR only), iischers Radio! (VS only), Radio Argovia (VS only), Radio Swiss Classic (all 4 ensemble variations), Radio Liechtenstein (O-CH only), Radio Swiss Jazz (all 4 ensemble variations), Radio 32 (BE-FR only) Radio Freundes Dienst (except VS), Virgin Radio Rock (except VS), Radio Suedostschweiz (N-CH only), Radio Basilisk (N-CH only), Radio BeO (BE-FR only), Canal 3 (BE-FR only), Radio 24 (VS only), Energy [Zurich, Bern] (VS only), rro (VS only), ERF Plus (VS only), Life Channel (VS only)
4th layer (DIG D04)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 5D/180.064 MHz (Aarau [AARAU], Lucerne - Zug - Nidwalden [ZS], Winterthur - Schaffhausen [WTHUR]), 6A/181.936 MHz (Berner Oberland [BO]), 8B/197.648 MHz (Chur - Sarganserland [CS]; Glarus {from March 2019}), 9D/208.064 MHz (Upper Valais {from December 2018}, Zurich [ZURICH]), 10A/209.936 MHz (Basel [BASEL], Bern [BE], Biel-Solothurn [BISO]); TBD (from December 2018: St. Gallen; from May 2019: Rheintal)
Concessioner/Operator: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, Spoon Radio, 3fach (these in all ensemble variations), LoRa, Stadtfilter (these; AARAU, ZS, WTHUR and ZURICH only), Kanal K (except CS), Radio X (except BASEL, BE, BO, BISO and CS), Radio Tell, Radio Positive (except BASEL and ZURICH), RaBe (except CS, WTHUR and ZURICH), Radio Smash (AARAU and BASEL only), James FM (AARAU and ZS only), World Radio Switzerland (BASEL, BE, ZS and WTHUR only), Jam On Radio (BASEL, ZS and ZURICH only), Toxic FM (except AARAU, BO, BISO, CS and ZS), IP Music (except AARAU, CS, WTHUR and ZURICH), PHARE FM Romandie, Maxxima (these, BASEL only), Latinos FM, Skuizz (these, BASEL and BE only), Kaiseregg, la fabrik, Radio Italia (these, BE only), Radio 2you (BO and BISO only), Radio Positive (BO, BISO, CS, ZS and WTHUR only), LoRa (ZS, WTHUR and ZURICH only), Soul al-Khaleej (ZS only), Radio Rasa, Radio Munot, power_up radio (these, WTHUR only), Radio4TNG (WTHUR and ZURICH only), GDS.FM, Radio 74, Rundfunk FM, Country Radio Switzerland (these, ZURICH only) /Glarus, Rheintal, St. Gallen & Upper Valais are not included/
French-speaking (Romandy):
1st layer (SRG SSR F01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12A/223.936 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: RTS La 1ere, RTS La 1ere-BIS, RTS Espace 2, RTS Couleur 3, RTS Option Musique, RSI Rete Uno, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio SRF 1 BE FR VS, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic
2nd layer (RMS F02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10B/211.648 MHz
Concessioner: Romandie Medias SA
Radio stations: BNJ [RFJ, RJB, RTN], GRRIF, LFM, One FM, Radio Chablais, RadioFr. [Fribourg, Music], Radio Lac, Radio Maria F, RSI Rete Tre, Rhone FM, Rouge FM, Radio SRF Virus, Radio Vertical
3rd layer (DIG F03)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 8C/199.360 MHz (Lausanne [LAUSANNE]), 10A/209.936 MHz (Neuchatel - Yverdon {from July 2018}), 10D/215.072 MHz (Geneva [GENEVE], Lower Valais [BVS]), TBD (from May 2019: Fribourg)
Concessioner: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, Spoon Radio, Maxxima, la fabrik, Radio 74, World Radio Switzerland, IP Music, Magic Radio, Skuizz (these in all ensembles variations), Frequence Banane, 7 Radio (these, except BVS), Radio Cite, Radio Vostok, Plein Air, Radio Italia (these, GENEVE only), PHARE FM Romandie, Radiobus FM (these, except GENEVE), Pirates Radio, Vibracion Latina (these, LAUSANNE only), Vibration Rock, Vibration 108, RadioNet+, Latinos FM, Radio Bellerine (these, BVS only) /Fribourg & Neuchatel-Yverdon are not included/
4th layer (TBD F04)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10C/213.360 MHz
Concessioner: TBA
Radio stations: TBA
Italian-speaking (Ticino):
1st layer (SRG SSR I01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12A/223.936 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: RSI Rete Uno, RSI Rete Due, RSI Rete Tre, Radio SRF 1 GR, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, RTS La 1ere, RTS Couleur 3, RTS Option Musique, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic, Radio Fiume Ticino, Radio 3i
2nd layer (DIG I02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10C/213.360 MHz
Concessioner: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, JazzAscona, Radio Gwendalyn, Radio Italia, RFT POP, PHARE FM Romandie, Vibracion Latina, IP Music, Skuizz, Studio Star, Radio Positive, Radio Tell
3rd layer (TBA)
Block-Channel/Frequency: TBD
Concessioner: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: TBD
1st layer (SRG SSR R01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12D/229.072 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: Radio SRF 1 GR, Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio SRF Virus, RTS La 1ere, RTS Option Musique, RSI Rete Uno, RSI Rete Due, RSI Rete Tre, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic, Radio Suedostschweiz
All of the above in these regions for 3rd (Ticino only), 4th (Romandy and Ticino only), 5th, 6th and 7th layer are reserve. In case of Grisons - 2nd layer onward are counted as German Switzerland. Please note that Radio Positive can be in different languages (in French for purposes; other names are Rundfunk Positiv [in German] and Radio Positiva [in Italian])
There is small section in this post how to receive in Chur, Lugano, Zurich, Basel, Bern and Geneva respectively for FM, AM (both LW and MW) and DAB [below for more information about ensembles]. Unlike to previous episode about Norway, AM radio there will be on list (over 40 dB). In which cities can receive radio station on this modulation. Pirate radio stations are skipped.
AM - Long/Medium Wave
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 900 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 900 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 999 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 900 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 900 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 999 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 183 kHz - Europe 1 [Germany]
- 216 kHz - RMC Info [France]
- 234 kHz - RTL [Luxembourg]
- 900 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
- 999 kHz - Rai Radio 1 [Italy]
On FM radio would be listed. For stations from other states than Switzerland, name of country in bracket.
Chur (by 13 January 2018)
- 87.8 - Fantastica Piemonte (Italy)
- 88.7 - Bayern 2 Suedbayern (Germany)
- 88.9 - Radio Onda Novara (Italy)
- 89.6 - ORF Hitradio Oe3 (Austria)
- 90.1 - Radio Capital (Italy)
- 90.3 - RTR Radio Rumantsch
- 90.7 - Radio Viva FM (Italy) / Bayern 1 Schwaben (Germany) [interference]
- 91.8 - Radio Deejay (Italy)
- 92.7 - Radio FM1
- 93.0 - Radio Fiume Ticino (Italy)
- 93.2 - Radio Sunshine
- 93.3 - ORF Oe1 (Austria)
- 93.4 - Radio Studio Piu (Italy)
- 93.8 - Radio SRF 1 Graubuenden
- 95.1 - Radio Freccia (Italy)
- 95.3 - Radio Mater (Italy)
- 95.8 - RSI Rete Uno Grigioni / Bayern 3 (Germany) [interference]
- 96.5 - Discoradio (Italy)
- 96.9 - Radio L (Liechtenstein)
- 97.1 - Gammaradio (Italy)
- 97.8 - Radio Kiss Kiss (Italy)
- 98.2 - ORF Radio Voralberg (Austria)
- 98.7 - Radio Maria (Italy)
- 99.9 - RTS La Premiere
- 100.3 - Radio Lombardia (Italy)
- 100.4 - Radio Sportiva (Italy)
- 100.5 - Radio Azzurra FM (Italy)
- 100.95- R101 (Italy)
- 101.0 - BR Klassik (Germany)
- 102.0 - RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono (Italy)
- 102.1 - ORF FM4 (Austria)
- 102.5 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur
- 102.6 - Radio Central
- 103.0 - Radio Zeta (Italy)
- 104.3 - Radio SRF 3
- 104.4 - Antenne Bayern (Germany)
- 106.3 - Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana (Italy)
- 106.5 - Antenne Voralberg (Austria)
- 106.9 - B5 aktuell (Germany)
- 107.0 - Radio Suedostschweiz Nord
- 87.5 - Radio Subasio (Italy)
- 87.7 - Radio Babayaga (Italy)
- 87.8 - Fantastica Piemonte (Italy)
- 87.9 - Radio Maria (Italy)
- 88.0 - Virgin Radio (Italy)
- 88.1 - RSI Rete Uno
- 88.3 - Rai GR Parlamento (Italy)
- 88.5 - Rai Radio 2 (Italy)
- 88.9 - Radio Onda Novara (Italy)
- 89.3 - Rai Radio 1 Lombardia (Italy)
- 89.4 - ERF Suedtirol (Italy) / Ciao Como Radio/Radio Studio Vivo (Italy)
- 89.7 - Radio We (Italy)
- 89.9 - Radio City Vercelli (Italy)
- 90.3 - Radio Capital (Italy) / RTR Radio Rumantsch
- 90.7 - Radio Viva FM (Italy)
- 90.8 - Otto FM Italy (Italy)
- 91.5 - RSI Rete Due
- 91.7 - Radio Birikina (Italy)
- 91.9 - Millenium (Italy)
- 92.1 - One Dance (Italy)
- 92.2 - Radio Number One (Italy) / Radio Calolzio International (Italy) / Radio Stella Porlezza (Italy)
- 92.4 - Radio Bruno (Italy)
- 92.6 - Radio LatteMiele (Italy)
- 93.1 - m2o (Italy)
- 93.4 - Radio Studio Piu (Italy)
- 93.5 - RDL Radio Due Laghi (Italy)
- 93.9 - Radio Classica (Italy)
- 94.4 - Party Groove (Italy)
- 94.5 - Radio Jukebox Reporter 93 (Italy)
- 94.6 - Radio Missione Francescana - inBlu (Italy)
- 94.8 - Radio Marconi (Italy)
- 95.0 - Radio Marconi Due (Italy)
- 95.2 - Radio Millenote (Italy)
- 95.3 - Radio Mater (Italy)
- 95.4 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur
- 95.45- Radio Italia Uno (Italy)
- 95.5 - RDS - Radi Dimensione Suono (Italy)
- 95.9 - Radio Cuore (Italy)
- 96.0 - Rai Radio 3 (Italy)
- 96.1 - Radio Milan Inter (Italy) / GRP Giornale Radio Piemonte (Italy)
- 96.2 - Pavia Piu (Italy)
- 96.3 - Radio SRF 1 / Radio Italia Network (Italy)
- 96.5 - Discoradio (Italy)
- 96.7 - Radio Gran Paradiso (Italy)
- 96.8 - Radio Radicale (Italy)
- 97.1 - Gammaradio (Italy)
- 97.8 - Radio Kiss Kiss (Italy)
- 98.0 - Radio Nostalgia (Italy)
- 98.3 - Radio Italia Anni 60 (Italy) / RTO (Italy) / Radio News 24 (Italy)
- 98.4 - Radio Superlecco-Rete 104 (Italy)
- 98.9 - Radio 105 (Italy)
- 99.4 - RVL La Radio (Italy)
- 100.0 - Radio Fiume Ticino
- 100.2 - Radio Uomini Nuovi (Italy)
- 100.3 - Radio Lombardia (Italy)
- 100.4 - Radio Sportiva (Italy)
- 100.5 - Radio Azzurra FM (Italy)
- 100.7 - Radio Alta (Italy)
- 101.2 - R101 (Italy)
- 101.4 - Radio Freccia (Italy)
- 101.5 - Studio Star - NRG FM (Italy)
- 101.7 - Radio Bella e Monella (Italy)
- 102.0 - Rete Kappa (Italy)
- 102.2 - Bluradio (Italy)
- 102.3 - Radio Oropa - inBlu (Italy)
- 102.6 - Radio Central
- 102.8 - RTL 102.5 (Italy) / Radio Zeta (Italy)
- 103.1 - Otto FM (Italy)
- 103.2 - Rai IsoRadio (Italy)
- 103.7 - Radio Reporter Milano (Italy)
- 104.0 - RTS La Premiere
- 104.1 - Radio Bergami (Italy)
- 104.8 - Radio 24 (Italy)
- 105.1 - LifeGate Radio (Italy)
- 105.5 - RMC - Radio Monte Carlo (Italy)
- 105.6 - Radio SRF 3
- 106.0 - RSI Rete Tre
- 106.1 - Radio Mondo (Italy)
- 106.7 - Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana (Italy)
- 106.8 - Radio 3i
- 107.0 - Radio Deejay (Italy) / Radio Suedostschweiz Nord
- 107.6 - Radio Popolare Milano (Italy)
- 87.7 - SWR4 Baden-Wuerttemberg Suedbaden (Germany)
- 88.8 - Radio Sunshine
- 89.4 - RTR Radio Rumantsch
- 89.6 - ORF Hitradio Oe3 (Austria)
- 90.0 - Radio 24
- 90.3 - Rado Argovia
- 91.5 - Radio Munot
- 92.8 - SWR2 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 93.0 - Planet 105
- 93.3 - ORF Oe1 (Austria)
- 94.2 - Radio 1
- 94.6 - Radio SRF 1 Zuerich/Schaffhausen
- 94.9 - Kanal K
- 95.1 - SWR1 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 96.6 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur
- 97.5 - Radio Lora
- 97.7 - Radio 3fach
- 98.2 - ORF Radio Voralberg (Austria)
- 98.5 - SWR3 Baden, die Pfalz und Rhein-Neckar (Germany)
- 99.7 - Radio Suedostchweiz Nord
- 99.9 - RTS La Premiere
- 100.4 - Radio Zuerisee
- 100.6 - Deutschlandfunk [Dlf] (Germany)
- 100.9 - Radio Energy Zuerich
- 100.95- R101 (Italy)
- 101.1 - Radio Regenbogen Freiburg (Germany)
- 102.1 - ORF FM4 (Austria) / Radio Pilatus
- 102.5 - Radio 7 Tuttlingen (Germany)
- 102.6 - Radio Central
- 103.8 - Radio SRF 3
- 104.5 - Radio Top Zuerich
- 106.0 - baden.fm (Germany)
- 106.2 - RSI Rete Uno
- 106.5 - Antenne Voralberg (Austria) / Radio FM1
- 107.0 - Radio Seefunk Hochrein (Germany)
- 87.9 - SWR1 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 88.6 - France Culture (France)
- 88.9 - Radio 32
- 89.5 - SWR4 Baden-Wuerttemberg Suedbaden (Germany)
- 90.3 - GRRIF
- 90.6 - Radio SRF 1 Basel Baselland
- 91.2 - RTL2 Mulhouse (France)
- 91.6 - France Musique (France)
- 92.0 - SWR2 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 93.1 - RMC (France)
- 94.5 - Radio X
- 94.8 - Europe 1 (France)
- 95.0 - Deutschlandfunk [Dlf] Kultur (Germany)
- 95.3 - Phare FM Mulhouse (France)
- 95.5 - RJB Radio Jura Bernois
- 95.7 - France Inter (France)
- 98.1 - Radio ECN (France)
- 98.3 - SWR3 Baden, die Pfalz und Rhein-Neckar (Germany)
- 98.6 - Flor FM (France)
- 99.0 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur
- 99.4 - Nostalgie Mulhouse (France)
- 99.6 - RTS Espace 2
- 99.8 - Virgin Radio Alsace (France)
- 99.9 - RTS La Premiere
- 100.8 - Radio Frequence Jura
- 101.1 - Radio Regenbogen Freiburg (Germany)
- 101.4 - France Bleu Besancon (France)
- 101.7 - Energy Basel
- 102.1 - NRJ Alsace (France)
- 102.5 - France Bleu Alsace (France)
- 102.6 - Radio Central
- 103.6 - Radio SRF 3
- 104.3 - Radio Seefunk Hochrhein (Germany)
- 104.5 - Freies Radio Wiesental (germany)
- 104.6 - Radio Dreyeckland (France)
- 104.8 - RTS Couleur 3
- 105.1 - Deutschlandfunk [Dlf] (Germany)
- 105.5 - France Info (France)
- 106.0 - baden.fm (Germany)
- 106.8 - France Bleu Belfort-Montbeliard (France)
- 107.6 - Radio Basilisk
- 107.8 - RSI Rete Uno
- 88.2 - Radio SRF 1 Bern-Freiburg-Wallis
- 88.8 - Radio Berner Oberland
- 88.9 - Radio Onda Novara (Italy)
- 89.2 - SWR1 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 89.4 - Radio Fribourg
- 90.1 - Rado Capital (Italy)
- 91.8 - RJB Radio Jura Bernois
- 92.2 - Radio 32
- 92.6 - SWR2 Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany)
- 93.2 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur / Radio Sunshine
- 94.0 - Radio Lac
- 95.1 - RTS La Premiere
- 95.6 - Radio RaBe
- 97.0 - SWR3 Baden, die Pfalz und Rhein-Neckar (Germany) / One FM
- 97.8 - RSI Rete Due
- 98.6 - Radio Canal 3
- 99.3 - Radio SRF 3
- 99.7 - Radio Bern1
- 100.0 - Rhone FM
- 100.3 - RTS Espace 2
- 100.5 - Radio Fiume TIcino
- 100.8 - Radio Frequence Jura
- 100.95- R101 (Italy)
- 101.1 - Radio Regenbogen Freiburg (Germany)
- 101.7 - Radio Energy Bern
- 102.6 - Radio central
- 103.3 - RSI Rete Tre
- 103.6 - Radio Neo1
- 104.2 - RTS Couleur 3
- 104.5 - GRRIF
- 105.1 - Deutschlandfunk [Dlf] (Germany)
- 106.0 - baden.fm (Germany)
- 106.9 - Radio Freiburg
- 107.3 - RSI Rete Uno
- 87.8 - Radio SRF 1 Bern-Freiburg-Wallis
- 88.4 - Lausanne FM [LFM]
- 88.8 - Radio 74 (France)
- 89.2 - RCF Haute-Savoia (France)
- 89.6 - France Musique (France)
- 89.8 - Europe 1 (France)
- 90.1 - Virgin Radio Leman (France)
- 90.8 - RTS Option Musique
- 91.1 - C Radio (France)
- 91.2 - RTS La Premiere
- 91.5 - Radiomagny
- 91.8 - Raido Lac
- 92.2 - Radio Cite Geneve
- 92.7 - Radio Orient (France)
- 93.8 - Radio Zones (France)
- 94.4 - France Inter (France)
- 95.5 - Skyrock (France)
- 95.9 - Radio Mont-Blanc (France)
- 96.7 - France Culture (France)
- 96.9 - Cherie (France)
- 97.1 - RSI Rete Uno / Radio Chablais
- 97.2 - Radio SRF 2 Kultur / RMC (France)
- 97.6 - Rouge FM
- 98.0 - Perrine FM Programme Radio Isa (France) / Radio Scoop (France)
- 98.9 - La Radio Plus
- 99.0 - Rhone FM
- 99.8 - RTL (France)
- 100.1 - RTS Espace 2
- 101.1 - France Info (France)
- 102.0 - Radio 24 (Italy) / ODS Radio (France)
- 102.5 - Rire et Chansons (France)
- 102.8 - France Bleu Isere (France)
- 103.6 - NRJ Leman (France)
- 104.9 - Radio Maria (Italy)
- 105.0 - Nostalgie Leman (France)
- 105.2 - Radio Freccia (Italy)
- 105.5 - RFM (France)
- 105.6 - RTS Couleur 3
- 105.7 - FCRadio Bellegarde (France)
- 105.8 - Radio SRF 3
- 106.1 - France Bleu Pays de Savoie (France)
- 106.7 - Fun Radio (France)
- 107.0 - One FM
- 107.1 - Sequence FM (France)
- 107.7 - Autoroute Info (France)
German-speaking (German Switzerland):
1st layer (SRG SSR D01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12C/227.360 MHz
Concessioner/Operator: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: Radio SRF 1 (AG SO, BE FE VS, BS, GR, LU, SG, ZH SH), Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio SRF Virus, Radio Swiss Pop, RTS La 1ere, RSI Rete Uno, RTR Radio Rumantsch
2nd layer (SMC D02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 7D/194.064 MHz
Concessioner/Operator: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: Radio TOP, Radio Maria, Luna Radio, Radio Central, Radio FM1, Radio Inside, Radio Argovia, Energy [Basel, Bern, Zurich], Radio 24, ERF Plus, Life Channel, Radio Eviva, Radio Zuerisee, Radio TOP TWO, Radio Pilatus, RSI Rete Tre
3rd layer (SMC D03)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 7A/188.928 MHz (N-CH; Northern Switzerland), 8B (BE-FR; Bern - Fribourg), 9B/204.640 MHz (O-CH; Western Switzerland, 11C/220.352 MHz (VS; Upper Valais)
Consessioner/Operator: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: Classix Radio (except VS), Planet 105 (N-CH only), Radio Maria (VS only), Radio Melody (O-CH only) Radio Gloria (all 4 ensemble variations), Sunshine Radio (except VS), RadioFR. Freiburg (BE-FR only) Radio del Mar (except VS), rro swiss melody (VS only), Radio Central (VS only), rro muesig pur (VS only), diis Radio (VS only), RTS Couleur 3 (all 4 ensemble variations), Vintage Radio (except VS), RTS Option Musique (all 4 ensemble variations), Rockit Radio (except VS), Radio 1 (N-CH only), Virgin Radio Hits (except VS), Radio BERN1 (BE-FR only), iischers Radio! (VS only), Radio Argovia (VS only), Radio Swiss Classic (all 4 ensemble variations), Radio Liechtenstein (O-CH only), Radio Swiss Jazz (all 4 ensemble variations), Radio 32 (BE-FR only) Radio Freundes Dienst (except VS), Virgin Radio Rock (except VS), Radio Suedostschweiz (N-CH only), Radio Basilisk (N-CH only), Radio BeO (BE-FR only), Canal 3 (BE-FR only), Radio 24 (VS only), Energy [Zurich, Bern] (VS only), rro (VS only), ERF Plus (VS only), Life Channel (VS only)
4th layer (DIG D04)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 5D/180.064 MHz (Aarau [AARAU], Lucerne - Zug - Nidwalden [ZS], Winterthur - Schaffhausen [WTHUR]), 6A/181.936 MHz (Berner Oberland [BO]), 8B/197.648 MHz (Chur - Sarganserland [CS]; Glarus {from March 2019}), 9D/208.064 MHz (Upper Valais {from December 2018}, Zurich [ZURICH]), 10A/209.936 MHz (Basel [BASEL], Bern [BE], Biel-Solothurn [BISO]); TBD (from December 2018: St. Gallen; from May 2019: Rheintal)
Concessioner/Operator: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, Spoon Radio, 3fach (these in all ensemble variations), LoRa, Stadtfilter (these; AARAU, ZS, WTHUR and ZURICH only), Kanal K (except CS), Radio X (except BASEL, BE, BO, BISO and CS), Radio Tell, Radio Positive (except BASEL and ZURICH), RaBe (except CS, WTHUR and ZURICH), Radio Smash (AARAU and BASEL only), James FM (AARAU and ZS only), World Radio Switzerland (BASEL, BE, ZS and WTHUR only), Jam On Radio (BASEL, ZS and ZURICH only), Toxic FM (except AARAU, BO, BISO, CS and ZS), IP Music (except AARAU, CS, WTHUR and ZURICH), PHARE FM Romandie, Maxxima (these, BASEL only), Latinos FM, Skuizz (these, BASEL and BE only), Kaiseregg, la fabrik, Radio Italia (these, BE only), Radio 2you (BO and BISO only), Radio Positive (BO, BISO, CS, ZS and WTHUR only), LoRa (ZS, WTHUR and ZURICH only), Soul al-Khaleej (ZS only), Radio Rasa, Radio Munot, power_up radio (these, WTHUR only), Radio4TNG (WTHUR and ZURICH only), GDS.FM, Radio 74, Rundfunk FM, Country Radio Switzerland (these, ZURICH only) /Glarus, Rheintal, St. Gallen & Upper Valais are not included/
French-speaking (Romandy):
1st layer (SRG SSR F01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12A/223.936 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: RTS La 1ere, RTS La 1ere-BIS, RTS Espace 2, RTS Couleur 3, RTS Option Musique, RSI Rete Uno, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio SRF 1 BE FR VS, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic
2nd layer (RMS F02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10B/211.648 MHz
Concessioner: Romandie Medias SA
Radio stations: BNJ [RFJ, RJB, RTN], GRRIF, LFM, One FM, Radio Chablais, RadioFr. [Fribourg, Music], Radio Lac, Radio Maria F, RSI Rete Tre, Rhone FM, Rouge FM, Radio SRF Virus, Radio Vertical
3rd layer (DIG F03)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 8C/199.360 MHz (Lausanne [LAUSANNE]), 10A/209.936 MHz (Neuchatel - Yverdon {from July 2018}), 10D/215.072 MHz (Geneva [GENEVE], Lower Valais [BVS]), TBD (from May 2019: Fribourg)
Concessioner: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, Spoon Radio, Maxxima, la fabrik, Radio 74, World Radio Switzerland, IP Music, Magic Radio, Skuizz (these in all ensembles variations), Frequence Banane, 7 Radio (these, except BVS), Radio Cite, Radio Vostok, Plein Air, Radio Italia (these, GENEVE only), PHARE FM Romandie, Radiobus FM (these, except GENEVE), Pirates Radio, Vibracion Latina (these, LAUSANNE only), Vibration Rock, Vibration 108, RadioNet+, Latinos FM, Radio Bellerine (these, BVS only) /Fribourg & Neuchatel-Yverdon are not included/
4th layer (TBD F04)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10C/213.360 MHz
Concessioner: TBA
Radio stations: TBA
Italian-speaking (Ticino):
1st layer (SRG SSR I01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12A/223.936 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: RSI Rete Uno, RSI Rete Due, RSI Rete Tre, Radio SRF 1 GR, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, RTS La 1ere, RTS Couleur 3, RTS Option Musique, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic, Radio Fiume Ticino, Radio 3i
2nd layer (DIG I02)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 10C/213.360 MHz
Concessioner: Digris AG
Radio stations: Open Broadcast, JazzAscona, Radio Gwendalyn, Radio Italia, RFT POP, PHARE FM Romandie, Vibracion Latina, IP Music, Skuizz, Studio Star, Radio Positive, Radio Tell
3rd layer (TBA)
Block-Channel/Frequency: TBD
Concessioner: SwissMediaCast AG
Radio stations: TBD
1st layer (SRG SSR R01)
Block-Channel/Frequency: 12D/229.072 MHz
Concessioner: SRG SSR Broadcast
Radio stations: Radio SRF 1 GR, Radio SRF 2 Kultur, Radio SRF 3, Radio SRF 4 News, Radio SRF Musikwelle, Radio SRF Virus, RTS La 1ere, RTS Option Musique, RSI Rete Uno, RSI Rete Due, RSI Rete Tre, RTR Radio Rumantsch, Radio Swiss Pop, Radio Swiss Jazz, Radio Swiss Classic, Radio Suedostschweiz
Satellite radio
Only FTA radio stations are presented. Only radio stations broadcasted on satellite that would be received in Europe are included.
Life Channel
Satellite: SES Astra 1N (19.2°E)
Tp: 87
Beam: Pan Europe
Frequency: 12,148 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 3 / 4
System: DVB-S
ID: Life Channel
PID Audio: 384 German
SID: 163
Provider: MX1
Radio Eviva
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (13.0°E)
Tp: 5
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 11,296 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Eviva
PID Audio: 3026 German
SID: 2226
Provider: IKO MG
Radio Freundes-Dienst
Satellite: SES Astra 1L (19.2°E)
Tp: 51
Beam: Europe Ku
Frequency: 12,515 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 22,000
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Freundes-Dienst
PID Audio: 132 German
SID: 4062
Provider: M7 Group
Radio Lebensquelle
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Lebensquelle
PID Audio: 119 German
SID: 4060
Radio Gloria
Satellite: SES Astra 1N (19.2°E)
Tp: 113
Beam: Pan Europe
Frequency: 12,633 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 22,000
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Gloria
PID Audio: 359 German
SID: 12659
Provider: Media Broadcast
Radio Rumantsch
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (13.0°E)
Tp: 17
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 11,526 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 29,700
FEC: 2 / 3
System: DVB-S2
ID: Radio Rumantsch
PID Audio: 216 Romansh
SID: 14026
Provider: SRG SSR
Radio SRF 1
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 1 (^ 1)
PID Audio: 211 German (^ 1)
SID: 14021 (^ 1)
(^ 1) - regional variations are (ID: Radio SRF 1 [ZZZ]; PID Audio: 23Y; SID: 1040Y; first Y - number, then [ZZZ] - name): 0 - Aargau Solothurn; 1 - Basel Baselland; 2 - Bern Freiburg Wallis; 3 - Zentralschweiz; 4 - Ostschweiz; 5 - Zuerich Schaffhausen; 6 - Graubuenden
Radio SRF 2 Kultur
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 2 Kultur
PID Audio: 212 German
SID: 14022
Radio SRF 3
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 3
PID Audio: 213 German
SID: 14023
Radio SRF 4 News
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 4 News
PID Audio: 227 German
SID: 14037
Radio SRF Musikwelle
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF Musikwelle
PID Audio: 215 German
SID: 14025
Radio SRF Virus
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF Virus
PID Audio: 214 German
SID: 14024
Radio Swiss Classic
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Classic Deutsch (^2)
PID Audio: 224 German (^2)
SID: 14034 (^2)
(^2) - other language versions are (ID: Radio Swiss Classic [ZZZ]; PID Audio: 2YY; SID: 140XX; first XX - SID number, then YY - PID Audio Number, then [ZZZ] - name): 39 / 29 - Français; 47 / 37 - Italiano
Radio Swiss Jazz
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Jazz
PID Audio: 226 German
SID: 14036
Radio Swiss Pop
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Pop
PID Audio: 225 German
SID: 14035
RSI Rete Uno
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Uno
PID Audio: 221 Italian
SID: 14031
RSI Rete Due
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Due
PID Audio: 222 Italian
SID: 14032
RSI Rete Tre
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Tre
PID Audio: 223 Italian
SID: 14033
RTS Couleur 3
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS Couleur 3
PID Audio: 219 French
SID: 14029
RTS Espace 2
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS Espace 2
PID Audio: 218 French
SID: 14028
RTS La 1ère
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS La 1ere
PID Audio: 217 French
SID: 14027
RTS Option Musique
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS La 1ere
PID Audio: 220 French
SID: 14030
Radio Tell
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B (13.0°E)
Tp: 115
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 10,815 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Tell
PID Audio: 3042 German
SID: 17342
Provider: MX1
Life Channel
Satellite: SES Astra 1N (19.2°E)
Tp: 87
Beam: Pan Europe
Frequency: 12,148 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 3 / 4
System: DVB-S
ID: Life Channel
PID Audio: 384 German
SID: 163
Provider: MX1
Radio Eviva
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (13.0°E)
Tp: 5
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 11,296 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Eviva
PID Audio: 3026 German
SID: 2226
Provider: IKO MG
Radio Freundes-Dienst
Satellite: SES Astra 1L (19.2°E)
Tp: 51
Beam: Europe Ku
Frequency: 12,515 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 22,000
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Freundes-Dienst
PID Audio: 132 German
SID: 4062
Provider: M7 Group
Radio Lebensquelle
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Lebensquelle
PID Audio: 119 German
SID: 4060
Radio Gloria
Satellite: SES Astra 1N (19.2°E)
Tp: 113
Beam: Pan Europe
Frequency: 12,633 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 22,000
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Gloria
PID Audio: 359 German
SID: 12659
Provider: Media Broadcast
Radio Rumantsch
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C (13.0°E)
Tp: 17
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 11,526 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 29,700
FEC: 2 / 3
System: DVB-S2
ID: Radio Rumantsch
PID Audio: 216 Romansh
SID: 14026
Provider: SRG SSR
Radio SRF 1
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 1 (^ 1)
PID Audio: 211 German (^ 1)
SID: 14021 (^ 1)
(^ 1) - regional variations are (ID: Radio SRF 1 [ZZZ]; PID Audio: 23Y; SID: 1040Y; first Y - number, then [ZZZ] - name): 0 - Aargau Solothurn; 1 - Basel Baselland; 2 - Bern Freiburg Wallis; 3 - Zentralschweiz; 4 - Ostschweiz; 5 - Zuerich Schaffhausen; 6 - Graubuenden
Radio SRF 2 Kultur
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 2 Kultur
PID Audio: 212 German
SID: 14022
Radio SRF 3
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 3
PID Audio: 213 German
SID: 14023
Radio SRF 4 News
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF 4 News
PID Audio: 227 German
SID: 14037
Radio SRF Musikwelle
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF Musikwelle
PID Audio: 215 German
SID: 14025
Radio SRF Virus
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio SRF Virus
PID Audio: 214 German
SID: 14024
Radio Swiss Classic
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Classic Deutsch (^2)
PID Audio: 224 German (^2)
SID: 14034 (^2)
(^2) - other language versions are (ID: Radio Swiss Classic [ZZZ]; PID Audio: 2YY; SID: 140XX; first XX - SID number, then YY - PID Audio Number, then [ZZZ] - name): 39 / 29 - Français; 47 / 37 - Italiano
Radio Swiss Jazz
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Jazz
PID Audio: 226 German
SID: 14036
Same as above with difference.
ID: Radio Swiss Pop
PID Audio: 225 German
SID: 14035
RSI Rete Uno
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Uno
PID Audio: 221 Italian
SID: 14031
RSI Rete Due
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Due
PID Audio: 222 Italian
SID: 14032
RSI Rete Tre
Same as above with difference.
ID: RSI Rete Tre
PID Audio: 223 Italian
SID: 14033
RTS Couleur 3
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS Couleur 3
PID Audio: 219 French
SID: 14029
RTS Espace 2
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS Espace 2
PID Audio: 218 French
SID: 14028
RTS La 1ère
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS La 1ere
PID Audio: 217 French
SID: 14027
RTS Option Musique
Same as above with difference.
ID: RTS La 1ere
PID Audio: 220 French
SID: 14030
Radio Tell
Satellite: Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B (13.0°E)
Tp: 115
Beam: Wide
Frequency: 10,815 MHz
Polarisation: horizontal
Symbol rate [SR]: 27,500
FEC: 5 / 6
System: DVB-S
ID: Radio Tell
PID Audio: 3042 German
SID: 17342
Provider: MX1
Social media
Top 82 most liked Swiss federal, regional and cantonal radio stations as of 14-27 January 2018. In red is marked as public radio station from SRG SSR. Radio L is not included.
- 186K - Energy Zürich
- 126K - SRF 3
- 118K - Planet 105
- 112K - Couleur3
- 88K - Rouge FM
- 75K - One FM
- 69K - Energy Bern
- 53K - Radio FM1
- 47K - Radio Fiume Ticino
- 45K - Energy Basel
- 44K - Radio Pilatus
- 43K - SRF Virus
- 40K - Rhône FM
- 36K - Radio Argovia
- 36K - Radio24
- 31K - Radio Swiss Jazz
- 29K - Rete Tre
- 27K - Radio Zürisee
- 25K - Radio3i
- 23K - SRF 1
- 23K - Radio Central
- 23K - Radio 32
- 22K - SRF Kultur
- 21K - Skuizz Radio
- 20K - Radio Südostschweiz
- 18K - Radio Vibración Latina
- 18K - RadioFr. Fribourg
- 17K - LFM - La Radio
- 17K - World Radio Switzerland
- 16K - GRRIF
- 16K - Radio Swiss Classic
- 13K - Sunshine Radio
- 13K - Rete Uno
- 13K - Radio Swiss Pop
- 12K - La Première
- 12K - rro - Radio Rottu Oberwallis
- 12K - Radio Basilisk
- 12K - Radio Chablais
- 10K - Option Musique
- 9.1K - RFJ.CH
- 8.0K - Radio 3FACH
- 7.6K - Radio RaBe
- 7.2K - Radio Lac
- 7.0K - Radio Canal 3 (deutsch)
- 6.7K - Radio 1
- 6.3K - Espace 2
- 6.1K - RadioFr. Freiburg
- 5.8K - neo1
- 5.4K - toxic.fm
- 5.2K - IP music
- 5.1K - Rete Due
- 5.1K - Radio X
- 4.8K - Radio Gwendalyn
- 4.6K - Radio Munot
- 4.6K - Radio Inside
- 4.3K - Radio Kanal K - The Official Page
- 4.2K - Vertical Radio
- 4.2K - Stadtfilter Winterthur
- 3.8K - Radio Melody
- 3.5K - Radio Life Channel
- 2.7K - Radio BeO
- 2.3K - Luna Pop
- 2.3K - Radio LoRa 97,5 MHz
- 2.1K - Radio Cité Genève
- 2.1K - radiotell.ch
- 1.8K - Radio Maria Schweiz
- 1.6K - Radio Positive Suisse
- 1.4K - Radio Canal 3 - français
- 1.1K - diis Radio
- 900 - Radio RaSA
- 700 - Rockit Radio
- 600 - Vintage Radio
- 500 - Virgin Radio Hits Switzerland
- 400 - PHARE FM Romandie
- 400 - iischers Radio
- 300 - Virgin Radio Rock Switzerland
- 200 - rro swiss melody
- 200 - Radio Del Mar
- 200 - Radio Positiva Svizzera
- 100 - Classix Radio
Most followed Swiss radio stations as of 2 February 2018. Only radio stations from SRG SSR are included.
- 176K - SRF 3 (@srf3)
- 124K - Couleur3 (@Couleur3)
- 4.1K - Rete Tre (@ReteTre)
- 2.7K - Option Musique (@Option_Musique)
- 1.7K - RadioSwissJazz OnAir (@jazz_onair)
- 900 - RadioSwissClassic OnAir (@classic_onair)
- 700 - RadioSwissPop OnAir (@pop_onair)
Most followed Swiss radio stations as of 2 February 2018. Only radio stations from SRG SSR are included.
- 28K - SRF 3 (@srf3)
- 20K - Couleur3 (@couleur3)
- 5.3K - Rete Tre (@retetre)
- 6.2K - SRF Virus (@srfvirus)
Sources: own, Wikipedia, The World Factbook by CIA, IFES Election Guide, Wohnort, Lyngsat, timeanddate.com, dabplus.ch, SRG SSR (SRF, RTS, RSI, RTR), SwissMediaCast, Digris, BAKOM
Note: If you see mistakes, please write in the comments.
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